Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Home Decor

Bruce and I have lived in this home for almost two years. Two months ago we put our first picture on the wall. I know, silly huh? We should have decorated along time ago, the problem is that I'm not very good at decorating. This is why I'm so excited about what I have worked on the last few days. I found theses frames at Target. Then I printed photos from my computer, using black ink only, onto photo paper. I cut out vinyl letters using Robins cricut, that say Families can be together forever. Hurray for me!!
I am so motivated right now that Bruce better watch out. I have already looked at paint chips, and started a new project.


  1. Yay! Good for you, Jane. Bryce and I still haven't unpacked since we've been married...sure we've unpacked the kitchen and bathroom and bedroom, but nothing else. We have a room full of boxes in our basement.

  2. Looks good. I'm glad you were able to do a little bit more with the Cricut. Vinyl can be tricky- it looks like you did a really good job.

  3. So neat, Jane! I love what you have done.
